
Monotonic Functions, Increasing Functions, Decreasing Functions 📂Functions

Monotonic Functions, Increasing Functions, Decreasing Functions


Let’s assume the function f:[a,b]Rf:[a,b] \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is given. For x1x_{1}, x2x_{2}, [a,b]\in [a,b]

x1<x2     f(x1)f(x2) x_{1} \lt x_{2} \ \implies f(x_{1}) \le f(x_{2})

If it satisfies, then ff is said to be monotonically increasing or ff is called a monotone increasing function. Conversely,

x1<x2     f(x1)f(x2) x_{1} \lt x_{2} \ \implies f(x_{1}) \ge f(x_{2})

If it satisfies, then ff is said to be monotonically decreasing or ff is called a monotone decreasing function.

If ff is either a monotone increasing function or a monotone decreasing function, then ff is referred to as a monotone function.


To monotonically increase means that as the variable increases, the function value does not decrease at least. Conversely, to monotonically decrease means it does not increase at least.


The below expression

x1<x2    f(x1)<f(x2) x_{1} \lt x_{2} \implies f(x_{1}) \lt f(x_{2})

If satisfied by ff, it is called a strictly increasing function. Conversely,

x1<x2    f(x1)>f(x2) x_{1} \lt x_{2} \implies f(x_{1}) \gt f(x_{2})

If satisfied by ff, it is called a strictly decreasing function.