
Main Ideals 📂Abstract Algebra

Main Ideals

Definition 1

A principal ideal is generated by an element aa with unity in a commutative ring RR.

  • The identity element for multiplication 11 is called the unity.


Although the notation <a>:={rar R}\left< a \right> := \left\{ r a \mid r\ \in R \right\} is similar to that of a cyclic group, it actually forms a slightly larger structure.

For example, all ideals nZ=<n>={,2n,n,0,n,2n,}n \mathbb{Z} = \left< n \right> = \left\{ \cdots , -2n , -n , 0 , n , 2n , \cdots \right\} of Z\mathbb{Z} are principal ideals.

At first encounter, principal ideals might feel abstract and seemingly useless, but they become valuable when discussing integral domains with good properties. Among the following theorems, especially [2] and [3] act as bridges to PID and UFD, respectively, so it’s recommended to prove them by hand at least once.


For a field FF, let’s say p(x),r(x),s(x)F[x]p(x), r(x), s(x) \in F [ x ].

  1. All ideals of F[x]F [ x ] are principal ideals.
  2. If <p(x)>{0}\left< p(x) \right> \ne \left\{ 0 \right\} is a maximal ideal     \iff p(x)p(x) then p(x)p(x) is an irreducible element over FF
  3. If an irreducible element p(x)p(x) over FF divides r(x)s(x)r(x) s(x) then p(x)p(x) divides r(x)r(x) or s(x)s(x).



Consider the polynomial g(x)g(x) of lowest degree in the ideal N{0}N \ne \left\{ 0 \right\} of F[x]F [ x ].

Case 1. degg=0\deg g = 0

Since g(x)g(x) is a constant function, it equals g(x)Fg(x) \in F, and assuming FF to be a field, g(x)g(x) is a unit in both FF and F[x]F [ x ]. As g(x)g(x) is a unit of F[x]F [ x ], NN is a principal ideal.

Case 2. degg1\deg g \ge 1

Any f(x)Nf(x) \in N can be expressed as f(x)=g(x)q(x)+r(x)f(x) = g(x) q(x) + r(x) according to the division algorithm. Since NN is an ideal, f(x)g(x)q(x)=r(x)N f(x) - g(x) q(x) = r(x) \in N and the lowest degree polynomial is g(x)g(x), then r(x)=0r(x)=0 must be true.

Hence, any f(x)Nf(x) \in N can always be expressed as f(x)=g(x)q(x)f(x) = g(x) q(x), making N=<g(x)>N = \left< g(x) \right> true, and thus NN is a principal ideal.


(    )( \implies )

Let’s assume p(x)p(x) is not an irreducible element and is factorized as p(x)=f(x)g(x)p(x) = f(x) g(x).

Since <p(x)>\left< p(x) \right> is a maximal ideal of F[x]F [ x ], then <p(x)>F[x]\left< p(x) \right> \ne F [ x ] and p(x)Fp(x) \notin F. A maximal ideal is a prime ideal, so if (f(x)g(x))<p(x)>\left( f(x) g(x) \right) \in \left< p(x) \right>, then either f(x)<p(x)>f(x) \in \left< p(x) \right> or g(x)<p(x)>g(x) \in \left< p(x) \right> must be true. However, the degrees of f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) cannot be less than that of p(x)p(x), contradicting our assumption, so p(x)p(x) is an irreducible element over FF.

(    )( \impliedby )

Suppose that <p(x)>\left< p(x) \right> is not a maximal ideal, and there exists an ideal NN satisfying <p(x)>NF[x]\left< p(x) \right> \subsetneq N \subsetneq F [ x ].

According to theorem [1], NN is a principal ideal of F[x]F [ x ], thus for some g(x)F[x]g(x) \in F [ x ], we can set N:=<g(x)>N := \left< g(x) \right>. Since <p(x)>N\left< p(x) \right> \subset N from our assumption, for some q(x)F[x]q(x) \in F [ x ] we have p(x)=g(x)q(x) p(x) = g(x) q(x) But since p(x)p(x) is an irreducible element over FF, either g(x)g(x) or q(x)q(x) must be a constant.

  • If g(x)g(x) is a constant, then g(x)g(x) is a unit of F[x]F [ x ], hence N=F[x]N = F [ x ].
  • If q(x)q(x) is a constant, for some cF[x]c \in F [ x ] we have g(x)=1cp(x)\displaystyle g(x) = {{1} \over {c}} p(x), so N=<g(x)>=<p(x)> N = \left< g(x) \right> = \left< p(x) \right>

Whether g(x)g(x) or q(x)q(x) is constant, it contradicts our assumption, thus <p(x)>\left< p(x) \right> is a principal ideal of F[x]F [ x ].


If p(x)p(x) divides r(x)s(x)r(x) s(x), then r(x)s(x)<p(x)>r(x) s(x) \in \left< p(x) \right>. But as p(x)p(x) is an irreducible element over FF, by theorem [2], <p(x)>\left< p(x) \right> is a maximal ideal and thus a prime ideal.

Thus if r(x)s(x)<p(x)>r(x) s(x) \in \left< p(x) \right>, then either r(x)<p(x)>r(x) \in \left< p(x) \right> or s(x)<p(x)>s(x) \in \left< p(x) \right>, meaning p(x)p(x) divides r(x)r(x) or s(x)s(x).

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p250. ↩︎