Stability and Root Conditions of Consistent Multistep Methods📂Numerical Analysis
Stability and Root Conditions of Consistent Multistep Methods
If a multistep method is consistent, the method is stable ⟺ the method satisfies the root condition.
When creating node points by cutting the closed interval [x0,b] at intervals of h, let’s call it x0≤x1≤⋯≤xN(h)−1≤xN(h)≤b. Here, N(h) represents the index of the last node point that changes according to h.
Consider z0,⋯,zp, a very slight change to the original given initial value y0,⋯,yp. That the method is stable means for sufficiently small positive numbers h and ϵ, if it is said that 0≤n≤pmax∣yn−zn∣≤ϵ, then there exists some constant C that satisfies 0≤n≤N(h)max∣yn−zn∣≤cϵ, independent of h. If the initial small change can become a big change as h is adjusted, it is said that the method is not stable.
Consistent Multistep Method: For the initial value problem {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp), a multistep method
satisfies the following.
Root Condition: Let’s say ρ(r)=rp+1−j=0∑pajrp−j for a multistep method that is consistent. When the roots r0,⋯,rp of equation ρ(r)=0 satisfy the following conditions, the given multistep method is said to satisfy the Root Condition.
(i): ∣rj∣≤1
(ii): ∣rj∣=1⟹ρ‘(rj)=0
Assume that the method is stable but does not satisfy the root condition.
This assumption will be shown to be contradicted by the initial value problem {y′=0y(0)=0.
The numerical solution to the given problem is trivially yn=0 for all n≥0.
When considering z0,⋯,zp, a very slight change given to y0,⋯,ypzn+1=a0zn+a1zn−1+⋯+ap−1zn−p−1+apzn−p
To obtain the characteristic solution, let’s say zn:=rnrn+1=a0rn+a1rn−1+⋯+ap−1rn−p−1+aprn−p
Dividing both sides by rn−prp+1=a0rp+a1rn−1+⋯+ap−1r1+ap
This p+1th degree equation has r1,r2,⋯,rp roots in addition to r0=1. Therefore, the general solution is
for some c0,⋯,cp.
Consider the following two cases for some 0≤j≤p.
Case 1. If condition (i) is not satisfied and for j, it is ∣rj∣>1, then z0=0+⋯+cjrj0+⋯+0=ϵ, that is, it’s said
. In other words, since z0=cj(rj)0⟹zn=cj(rj)nz0=ϵ,z1=ϵrj,⋯,zp=ϵrjp
Applying the method to [x0,b]x0≤xn≤bmax∣yn−zn∣=ϵ∣rj∣N(h)
But when h→0, N(h)→∞ and since ∣rj∣>1,
there cannot exist any C>0 that satisfies. Therefore, the method becomes unstable.
Case 2. If condition (ii) is not satisfied and for j, it is ∣rj∣=1⟹ρ’(rj)=0, this means if ∣rj∣=1, then rj is a repeated root of the characteristic equation, and the multiplicity of rj must be at least 2. In this case, the general solution is represented as a linear combination including linearly independent particular solutions rjn,nrjn,⋯,nν−1rjn. Mathematically,
Here, by setting ϵ:=0≤k≤ν−1max∣cjk∣, since ∣rj∣=1∣z0∣≤ϵ,∣z1∣≤2ϵ,⋯,∣zp∣≤ϵ(1+p+⋯+pν−1)=ϵp−1pν−1
As it’s a multistep method, for p≥20≤n≤pmax∣yn−zn∣=ϵp−1pν−1
Applying the method to [x0,b]x0≤xn≤bmax∣yn−zn∣=ϵN(h)−1N(h)ν−1
But when h→0, N(h)→∞, therefore
there cannot exist any C>0 that satisfies. Therefore, the method becomes unstable.
(⇐) The original proof is too difficult and contains many leaps2.
If it is considered en:=yn−zn, it can be thought of as solving the non-homogeneous linear differential equation y=z+e.
Conversely, z=y−e becomes a homogeneous linear differential equation.
If (1) is subtracted from (2),
is obtained. If it is said that yn=d0s0n+d1s1n+⋯+dpspn,
Let’s consider 0≤n≤pmax∣yn−zn∣=ϵ for this. The given method
also satisfies the root condition for (r0+s0),⋯,(rp+sp),
Therefore, x0≤xn≤bmax∣en∣=pϵ holds, and the method is stable.
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p398~401. ↩︎