Adams Method
📂Numerical AnalysisAdams Method
Multistep methods: Given a continuous function D⊂R2 for f and an initial value problem {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp). Let’s divide interval (a,b) into nodes like a≤x0<x1<⋯<xn<⋯xN≤b. Especially, for a sufficiently small h>0, if we say xj=x0+jh, a method is called an (p+1)-step method if it satisfies ap=0 or bp=0 with respect to the initial value and 0≤p≤m.
Adams-Bashforth Method
For the coefficients γj:=j!1∫01s(s+1)⋯(s+j−1)dx,
is called the (pth order) Adams-Bashforth Method.
- p=0 : yn+1=yn+hyn′
- p=1 : yn+1=yn+2h(3yn′−yn−1′)
- p=2 : yn+1=yn+12h(23yn′−16yn−1′+5yn−2′)
- p=3 : yn+1=yn+24h(55yn′−59yn−1′+37yn−2′−9yn−3′)
Adams-Moulton Method
For the coefficients δj:=j!1∫01(s−1)s(s+1)⋯(s+j−2)dx,
is called the (pth order) Adams-Moulton Method.
- p=0 : yn+1=yn+hyn′
- p=1 : yn+1=yn+2h(yn+1′+yn′)
- p=2 : yn+1=yn+12h(5yn+1′+8yn′−yn−1′)
- p=3 : yn+1=yn+24h(9yn+1′+19yn′−5yn−1′+yn−2′)
The Adams methods, as multistep methods, are commonly used in predictor-corrector algorithms, varying the step size h and the order of the method. For example, using the 1th order Adams-Bashforth method as a predictor and the 2th order Adams-Moulton method as a corrector is essentially the same algorithm as using the Euler method as a predictor and a trapezoidal method as a corrector.
Generally, the Adams-Moulton method is not only less erroneous than the Adams-Bashforth method but also more stable, which can be easily understood by comparing their structures. Firstly, the Adams-Bashforth method is an explicit method, whereas the Adams-Moulton method is an implicit method. The predictor-corrector algorithm solving ODEs mixes these Adams methods appropriately.