A Parasitic Solution refers to a term whose magnitude grows and whose sign changes as the method progresses. It’s useful to imagine a sequence an=2−n+(−2)n that does not converge due to (−2)n. The term ‘parasitic’ is quite intuitive and appropriate in describing these terms as they hinder convergence.
Example: Dahlquist Problem
Consider, for example, {y′=λyy(0)=1, which is precisely solved by Y=eλx. However, if we need concrete values, numerical methods must be considered. Let’s use the midpoint method for calculation.
Midpoint Method: For a given initial value problem {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),y(x1))=(Y0,Y1) of a continuous function f defined by D⊂R2. Let’s assume the interval (a,b) is divided into nodes like a≤x0<x1<⋯<xn<⋯xN≤b. Especially for a sufficiently small h>0, if we say xj=x0+jh, then for the initial value y0=Y0:
Applying the midpoint method to the problem looks like this:
Approaching through the solution methods for 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations, assuming yn=rn we get:
Eliminating rn−1 from both sides and arranging into a quadratic equation yields:
Solving via quadratic formula results in:
The general solution for some β0,β1 is:
Substituting n=0,1 gives:
Meanwhile, since we already know Y=eλx as the exact solution,
we can derive:
Expanding eλh with Maclaurin’s expansion, since eλh=1+λh+2λ2h2+O(h3λ3):
Likewise, expanding 1+h2λ2 with Maclaurin results in 1+h2λ2=1+2λ2h2+O(h4λ4):
Similarly for β1:
In summary, we get:
That is, when h→0, then β0→1 and because of β1→0:
Now, the problem is what happens to this general solution when n is fixed, and λ>0 increases. If λ>0, there’s no need to worry because r0>∣r1∣>0 makes β0r0b grow much faster than β1r1n. However, if λ<0, the story changes. If 0<r0<1 and r1<−1, then β1r1n will overpower β0r0n in magnitude while changing its sign as n increases.
At this point, we call β1r1n a Parasitic Solution, and because of this danger, it’s said that the midpoint method has Weak Stability. Thus, it’s crucial to mathematically verify whether there’s no issue when the sign of ∂y∂f(x,Y(x)) is negative.
For example, solving an initial value problem similar to {y′=x−y2y(0)=0 with the midpoint method, initially, it seems to work fine, but from the third line onwards, the solution starts to fluctuate significantly.
Similarly, the Milne’s Method
can also be shown to have weak stability. The commonly used problem like {y′=λyy(0)=1 is referred to as Dahlquist Problem.
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p364~365. ↩︎