Given the initial value problem {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp), a multistep methodyn+1=j=0∑pajyn−j+hj=−1∑pbjf(xn−j,yn−j)
is consistent, and if the initial errorη(h):=0≤i≤pmax∣Y(xi)−yh(xi)∣ satisfies h→0limη(h)=0, and for j=0,1,⋯,p if aj≥0 holds and f satisfies the Lipschitz condition, then the method converges and for an appropriate constant c1,c2,
holds. In particular, if η(h)=O(hm), the convergence rate of the method is O(hm).
The term multistep method does not refer to a single specific method, so proving its convergency is a very important task. Understanding how much the error according to h can grow is also a necessary step if one intends to use it in practice.
If we denote the difference between the true value Yi and the calculated value yi as ϵi:=Yi−yi,
Subtracting the latter two equations
Since f satisfies the Lipschitz condition,
Utilizing the expression En:=0≤i≤nmax∣ϵi∣ that represents the largest error among ϵi up to n,
Consistency and order of convergence of multistep methods: For the initial value problem {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp), a necessary and sufficient condition for a multistep methodyn+1=j=0∑pajyn−j+hj=−1∑pbjf(xn−j,yn−j)
to have consistency and to have a convergence order of m∈N are (i) and (ii), respectively.
(i): ⎩⎨⎧j=0∑paj=1−j=0∑pjaj+j=−1∑pbj=1
(ii): For i=0,1,⋯,m, j=0∑p(−j)iaj+ij=−1∑p(−j)i−1bj=1
Since the given multistep method is consistent, if we say c:=Kj=−1∑p∣bj∣,
if ∣ϵn+1∣≤En+1, then En+1=En,
if ∣ϵn+1∣>En+1,
Therefore, in any case,
Organizing the terms,
Assuming h→0, we can assume that h is sufficiently small to satisfy (1−hc)>0 and hc≤21. Therefore,
En+1≤≤1−hcEn+1−hchτn(h)(1+2hc)En+2hτn(h)By recursively solving,
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p360~361. ↩︎