Consistency and Order of Convergence of Multistep Methods📂Numerical Analysis
Consistency and Order of Convergence of Multistep Methods
The necessary and sufficient condition for a multistep method {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp) to be consistent is (i), and the necessary and sufficient condition to have convergence order m∈N is (ii).
(i): ⎩⎨⎧j=0∑paj=1−j=0∑pjaj+j=−1∑pbj=1
(ii): For i=0,1,⋯,m, j=0∑p(−j)iaj+ij=−1∑p(−j)i−1bj=1
It is more appropriate to consider multistep methods as a form encompassing numerous methods rather than any single method. This theorem is useful for checking consistency and convergence order across various methods, and since both (i) and (ii) are necessary and sufficient conditions, it can also be used to understand when a method is meaningful or how to increase its convergence speed.
The truncation error Tn(Y):=Yn+1−j=0∑pajYn−j+hj=−1∑pbjY’n−j is linear. That is,
Part 1.
Expanding the solution to the initial value problem Y(x) in terms of xn up to m order Taylor expansion, we get
Expressing it in terms of the truncation error, we have
Part 2.
Let’s calculate Tn((x−xn)i).
Case 1. i=0 Tn(1)=1−j=0∑paj1+hj=−1∑pbj(1)′=1−j=0∑paj
Here, let c0:=1−j=0∑paj.
Case 2. i≥1 Tn((x−xn)i)===(xn+1−xn)i−[j=0∑paj(xn−j−xn)i+hj=−1∑pbji(xn−j−xn)i−1]hi−[hij=0∑paj(−j)i+hiij=−1∑pbj(−j)i−1]hi[1−(j=0∑p(−j)iaj+ij=−1∑p(−j)i−1bj)]
Here, let ci:=1−(j=0∑p(−j)iaj+ij=−1∑p(−j)i−1bj) be.
In any case of i, we obtain the following.
Part 3.
For the multistep method to be consistent,
it has to satisfy Tn(Y)=O(h2). From Part 2,
was established, so it suffices if m=1 till c0=c1=0. Summing up,
Part 4.
Since Rm+1=(m+1)!1(x−xn)m+1Y(m+1)(xn)+⋯=O(hm+1),
For the multistep method to have convergence order m,
thus, it suffices to satisfy Tn(Y)=O(hm+1). This simply requires that for i=0,1,⋯,m, ci=0 is satisfied. In summary, for i=0,1,⋯,m,
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p358~359. ↩︎