Newton-Raphson Method
Methods 1
Let’s suppose that is continuous near and define it as .
For an initial value , close enough to , the sequence defined by converges quadratically to when .
The Newton-Raphson method, also known as the Newton method, is useful for finding an approximate solution to equation due to its simplicity and fast convergence rate, despite requiring conditions such as differentiability and continuity.
To converge quadratically means to converge at a rate proportional to th power during discussion on convergence rates. Although there’s no direct translation for this expression, unlike linear convergence which translates to ’linear’, we opted to use the English term directly due to its precise and rare usage. Nonetheless, it is mentioned to mathematically demonstrate its faster convergence compared to the bisection method in most cases.
However, as one can infer from phrases like ’near ’ or ‘a sufficiently close initial value’, it’s not a method that can be thoughtlessly applied. As shown above, initializing with unlucky values could lead to division by or drive the sequence far from the solution. Therefore, code implementations need error handling, such as stopping calculations if a solution isn’t found within a certain number of iterations.
Such divergence errors, despite mathematical proofs of convergence, still pose a significant issue in practice, mainly because users might not accurately determine ’near ’ or ‘a sufficiently close initial value’. Compared to the bisection method, which guarantees a solution albeit slower, this clearly is a disadvantage.
See Also
- Generalized Newton-Raphson method for higher dimensions
- Newton-Fourier method: Suppose is continuous on the closed interval . If increases or decreases on , holding a solution, then the sequence defined by converges quadratically to when .
Considering stronger conditions enables Newton-Fourier method to converge quadratically while guaranteeing convergence. However, this method fundamentally installs the closed interval into the ’neighborhood of ’ akin to Newton-Raphson method. Hence, with all conditions checked, it becomes identical to the Newton-Raphson method, eliminating the need for separate code.
Strategy: Derive the th term using Taylor expansion, then create a recursive inequality to demonstrate convergence.
Part 1. Taylor Expansion
Expanding around gives us, for some between and , Since , substituting we get Dividing both sides by yields Hence , and by rearranging By collecting terms we get
Part 2. Convergence
is continuous near and because of , there exists for every satisfying .
If we set , by choosing smaller each time, doesn’t increase and doesn’t decrease, thus the whole of doesn’t increase. Therefore, we can determine a sufficiently small that makes true. This is sufficiently close to .
Now, let’s denote this by .
Taking absolute values of both sides of we get Multiplying both sides by yields Encapsulating the right side into a square gives Repeating this process till we derive from , Then summarizing, Since , when then
Part 3. Quadratic Convergence
Given , when since , then
Although it was mentioned in the explanation that convergence isn’t always guaranteed, in practice, selecting a sufficiently small is crucial.
Below is the code written in R. If df
is provided as the derivative, the calculation proceeds directly with the derivative, otherwise, the numerical derivative is used. The itmax
option is the maximum number of iterations, and by default, if a sufficiently accurate solution isn’t achieved after iterations, the calculation is abandoned.
x1 = x0 - f(x0)/d(f,x0)
for(i in 1:itmax)
if(denom==0){stop('Zero Derivative\')}
x2 = x1 - f(x1)/denom
x1 = x2
stop('Maybe Wrong Initial Point')
f<-function(x) {x^3 + 8}
g<-function(x) {x^6 - x - 1}
h<-function(x) {exp(x)-1}
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p58. ↩︎