When independent variables of p and ndata are given, the linear multiple regression model can be represented using the design matrix as shown above, and let’s denote it simply as Y=Xβ+ε. Assuming that the residuals satisfy linearity, homoscedasticity, independence, and normality in the model diagnostics, the hypothesis testing for each regression coefficient in multiple regression analysis is as follows:
H0: βj=0, that is, the jth independent variable has no correlation with the dependent variable.
H1: βj=0, that is, the regression coefficient for the jth independent variable is significant.
The residual sum of squares ∑i=1n(yi−y^i)2/σ2 uses the sample mean for n data points, p independent variables, and 1 constant terms—thus, since only (n−p−1) independent random variables are used, it follows a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom(n−p−1) under the null hypothesis—assuming the null hypothesis is true, then βj=0 results in β^j∼N(0,σ2(XTX)jj−1), thus obtaining:
In conclusion, tj follows a t-distribution with degrees of freedom (n−p−1). Representing it in a formula again gives:
which is used for hypothesis testing. If
then the null hypothesis is rejected. That ∣tj∣ is of such magnitude means βj^ is too large to believe that the null hypothesis is true.
While the derivation process is written calmly, it could be quite difficult for undergraduates learning regression analysis to understand it. Following tj to a t-distribution is not very challenging, but it requires understanding the distribution of regression coefficients as a corollary, and having a firm grasp on the concepts of model diagnostics.