Bolzano-Weierstrass Property and Compactness of Accumulation Points
Definition 1
If every infinite subset of a topological space has its limit point in , then is said to have the Bolzano-Weierstrass property or to be compactly accumulating points.
- [1]: Every compact space is a compactly accumulating points space.
- [2]: If is a metric space, then being compact is equivalent to being compactly accumulating points. is a metric space, then it being compact is equivalent to it being compactly accumulating points.
For example, is compactly accumulating points, but is not. Also, if we consider an infinite subset like with , because of , it is not compactly accumulating points. , having such subsets, is naturally not compactly accumulating points.
Interestingly, despite the name, the definition doesn’t mention compactness at all. Just from the name, one might think it’s a special case of compact spaces, but in fact, only the opposite theorem [1] holds true.
Another significance of compactly accumulating points is theorem [2], which can be useful in proving some metric space is compact. Proving a metric space is compact ensures the uniform continuity of continuous functions, which goes without saying is beneficial.
Munkres. (2000). Topology(2nd Edition): p178. ↩︎