Ernestrom-Kakeya Theorem Proof
📂Complex AnaylsisErnestrom-Kakeya Theorem Proof
Let {ai}i=0n⊂R such that a0>a1>⋯>an>0. Then for the polynomial function
all roots z∈C satisfy ∣z∣≥1.
If there is a root of P(z)=0 at z=1, then we have 0=P(1)=i=0∑nai>0, so the root must be z=1. Multiply both sides of the equation P(z)=0 by z and subtract from the original equation to express a0 as
If we assume that a root z=1 of P(z)=0 satisfies ∣z∣<1 given that a0>a1>⋯>an>0, then we have
Yet, since we assumed z=1 is a root of P(z)=0, we find a contradiction
This indicates the wrongness of the assumption that ∣z∣<1, hence we must have ∣z∣≥1.