
One of the Pythagorean Triples Must Be an Even Number 📂Number Theory

One of the Pythagorean Triples Must Be an Even Number

Theorem 1

A natural number $a,b,c$ that satisfies $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ implies that either $a$ or $b$ is even.


Interestingly, one of the Pythagorean triples must always be even.


Since the square of an even number is even and the square of an odd number is odd, if $c^2$ is odd, then either $a^2$ or $b^2$ must be even. Assuming $c^2$ is even, then both $a^2$ and $b^2$ will be either odd or even, but it suffices to consider only the case where both are odd.

For some natural number $x,y,z \in \mathbb{N}$, let’s define $a,b,c$ as follows: $$ a := 2x +1 \\ b : = 2y + 1 \\ c = 2z $$ Substituting this into $a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2}$ gives: $$ (2x+1)^2 + (2y+1)^2 = (2z)^2 $$ Expanding the square gives: $$ 4x^2 + 4x +1 + 4y^2 + 4y +1 = 4z^2 $$ Dividing both sides by $2$ gives: $$ 2 \left( x^2 + x + y^2 + y \right) +1 = 2z^2 $$ Here, the left side is odd while the right side is even, which is a contradiction, thus either $a$ or $b$ must be even.

  1. Silverman. (2012). A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory (4th Edition): p15. ↩︎