
Prove that a Subgroup of a Cyclic group is Cyclic 📂Abstract Algebra

Prove that a Subgroup of a Cyclic group is Cyclic

Definition 1

A subgroup HG H \leqslant G of a cyclic group GG is a cyclic group.


Although it might seem obvious upon a bit of thought, it is a considerably important theorem and its proof is not as straightforward as it might appear.


If H={e}H = \left\{ e \right\}, then H=<e>H = \left< e \right> hence it is a cyclic group.

If H{e}H \ne \left\{ e \right\}, for some natural number nn, anHa^{n} \in H will hold and let’s denote the smallest natural number that satisfies this as mm. When c:=amc := a^m, showing that H=<am>=<c>H = \left< a^m \right> = \left< c \right> holds ends the proof.

For all bHb \in H, b=anGb = a^{n} \in G will hold, and for some q,rNq , r \in \mathbb{N}, n=mq+rn = m q + r will be true. Here, if we set 0r<m 0 \le r < m, qq and rr are uniquely determined. an=amq+r=(am)qar a^{n} = a^{mq + r} = (a^{m})^{q} a^{r} and organizing it for ara^{r} gives ar=(am)qanan=bH a^{r} = (a^{m})^{-q} a^{n} \\ a^{n} = b \in H and if amHa^{m} \in H while HH is also a group, then (am)q(a^{m})^{-q} and ana^{n} are included in HH. Hence (am)qan=arH (a^{m})^{-q} a^{n} = a^{r} \in H On the other hand, since mm was the smallest natural number satisfying amHa^{m} \in H, the only case that satisfies 0r<m0 \le r < m for all cases is r=0r = 0. Eventually, it must be r=0r = 0, b=an=amq=(am)q=cq b = a^{n} = a^{mq} = (a^{m})^{q} = c^{q} Since every element can be expressed as a power of cc, H=<c>H = \left< c \right> is a cyclic group.

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p61. ↩︎