Left Multiplication Transformation (Matrix Transformation)
📂Linear AlgebraLeft Multiplication Transformation (Matrix Transformation)
Regarding the field F, let’s say A∈Mm×n(F). The following LA is defined as the left-multiplication transformation.
Here, Ax is the matrix product of A and x.
This is a more abstract description of matrix transformation using the concept of a field.
Let’s say A∈Mm×n(F). Then, LA is a linear transformation. Also, when B∈Mm×n(F) and β,γ are each the standard ordered basis of Fn,Fm, the following holds.
(a) [LA]βγ=A
(b) LA=LB⟺A=B
(c) If LA+B=LA+LB and LaA=aLA∀a∈F, then
(d) If T:Fn→Fm is a linear transformation, there exists a matrix m×n such that T=LC. (In fact, it is C=[T]βγ)
(e) If a matrix is referred to as E, then LAE=LALE.
(f) If m=n, then LIn=IFn. Here, the left side’s In is the n×n identity matrix, and the right side’s IFn is the IFn:Fn→Fn identity transformation.