Linear Functional
Let’s call a vector space. A mapping from to (or ) is called a functional.
If is linear, it is called a linear functional.
More Detailed Definitions2
Let’s call a vector space over the field . Here, the field itself becomes a -dimensional vector space over . A linear transformation is called a linear functional.
In other words, a linear functional is a linear transformation between a vector space and its field.
The first definition given is the most common. Usually, it is not defined as abstractly as the second.
When translating functional into Korean, it becomes ‘범함수’ without much nuance, but it is important to note in English that functional is not an adjective but a noun. Also, the translation of functional as 범함수 (汎函數) is influenced by generalized function.
The distinction from linear operators is only that the codomain is defined as or , but this very difference makes it worthwhile to consider spaces such as dual spaces. Norm already becomes a functional in itself, and considering its usefulness in connection with measure theory is inevitable.
Let’s assume . Define the function as follows.
Then is the trace of a matrix. Thus, is a linear functional.
Fourier Coefficients
Let’s assume is a vector space of continuous functions that satisfy . For a fixed , define as follows.
Then is a linear functional. When is either or , becomes the Fourier coefficient of .
Coordinate Function
Let’s consider as a finite-dimensional vector space. Assume is the ordered basis of . Let the coordinate vector of be as follows.
Now, consider the following function for .
Then is a linear functional defined on , called the th coordinate function. Then, holds true. is the Kronecker delta. Coordinate functions play an important role in discussing dual spaces.