
How to Draw a Dendrogram in Julia 📂Julia

How to Draw a Dendrogram in Julia


When attempting to draw a dendrogram by using the plot() function after performing hierarchical clustering with hclust() on the given data, the following error occurs.

using Clustering 
using Distances 
using Plots

a = rand(2, 10)
D_a = pairwise(Euclidean(), a, a)
SL = hclust(D_a, linkage=:single)
dendrogram = plot(SL)

ERROR: LoadError: Cannot convert Hclust{Float64} to series data for plotting

To draw a dendrogram, one should use StatsPlots.jl instead of Plots.jl.

using StatsPlots

dendrogram = plot(SL)
savefig(dendrogram, "julia_dendrogram.png")
