
Proof of the Residue Theorem 📂Complex Anaylsis

Proof of the Residue Theorem

Theorem 1

Let the analytic function f:ACCf: A \subset \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} have a finite number of singularities z1,z2,,zmz_{1} , z_{2} , \cdots , z_{m} inside a simple closed path C\mathscr{C}. Then, Cf(z)dz=2πik=1mReszkf(z) \int_{\mathscr{C}} f(z) dz = 2 \pi i \sum_{k=1}^{m} \text{Res}_{z_{k}} f(z)


At first glance, the theorem might seem quite confusing. One has to calculate the integral, but instead of calculus-like computations, there’s talk about singularities and residues; it might well be perplexing. The theorem suggests that one could find the integral value simply by adding up residues. But could it really be that straightforward? Surprisingly, the answer is ‘yes’, thanks to the residue theorem.

This approach not only replaces integral calculations with other calculations but also makes many integrals that were impossible to solve feasible. Some integrals that couldn’t be handled with real numbers become relatively straightforward with the application of the residue theorem. Complex analysis hosts many important theorems, but the residue theorem, in particular, provides especially useful results and is thus essential to understand.


First, let’s break C\mathscr{C} into mm parts.

Generalized contraction sublemma for partitions: Assuming f:ACCf: A \subseteq \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C} is analytic at all points inside a simple closed path C\mathscr{C}, excluding a finite number of points z1,z2,zmz_{1} , z_{2}, \cdots z_{m} within a simply connected region that contains C\mathscr{C}. Then, for a circle Ck\mathscr{C_k} centered at zkz_{k} inside C\mathscr{C}, Cf(z)dz=k=1mCkf(z)dz \int_{\mathscr{C}} f(z) dz = \sum_{k=1}^{m} \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} f(z) dz

If we expand each Ck\mathscr{C}_{k} using a Laurent series, Ckf(z)dz=Ckn=0ank(zzk)ndz+Ckn=1bnk(zzk)ndz \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} f(z) dz = \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} \sum_{n = 0 }^{\infty} a_{nk} (z-z_{k}) ^{n} dz + \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} \sum_{n = 1 }^{\infty} { {b_{nk} } \over{ (z-z_{k}) ^{n} } } dz by the Cauchy’s theorem, Ckf(z)dz=Ckn=1bnk(zzk)ndz \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} f(z) dz = \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} \sum_{n = 1 }^{\infty} { {b_{nk} } \over{ (z-z_{k}) ^{n} } } dz meanwhile, since Ck1(zzk)ndz={2πin=10n2\int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} {{1} \over {(z - z_{k})^n}} dz = \begin{cases} 2 \pi i & n = 1 \\ 0 & n \ge 2 \end{cases} by Cauchy’s integral formula, Ckf(z)dz=2πib1k=2πiReszkf(z) \int_{\mathscr{C}_{k}} f(z) dz = 2 \pi i b_{1k} = 2 \pi i \text{Res}_{z_{k}} f(z) Therefore, Cf(z)dz=2πik=1mReszkf(z) \int_{\mathscr{C}} f(z) dz = 2 \pi i \sum_{k=1}^{m} \text{Res}_{z_{k}} f(z)


Especially in the proof, it is important to note that when n=1n=1, all coefficients except for the residue b1kb_1k, that is, 1zzk\displaystyle {{1} \over {z - z_{k}}}, become 00 and vanish. The residue theorem can be so beneficial that if one only studies its applications, it might be easy to forget why such results occur. Reminding oneself of the form of Cauchy’s integral formula and the Laurent series could signify a thorough understanding.

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p153. ↩︎