Proof of Bayes' Theorem and Prior, Posterior Distributions
Theorem 1
Sample Space and Event , Probability If is a partition of , then the following holds.
The right-hand side of Bayes’ theorem, , is called the Prior Probability, and the left-hand side, , is called the Posterior Probability. The probability distributions formed by these probabilities are called Prior Distribution and Posterior Distribution, respectively.
Also called Bayes’ Rule, this theorem can be proven quite easily using only two laws, but its applications are extensive. The so-called Bayesian Paradigm divides the field of statistics into two schools of thought, emphasizing its importance cannot be overstated.
What we want to know is the left-hand side of the above equation. What we already know are the probabilities of event and the partitions of sample space occurring, and the probability of occurring when each of these partitions occurs. In short, we start with everything we know about and its impact on . Bayes’ theorem reverses this, allowing us to understand the impact of on each of these partitions. If this sounds complicated, it’s enough to focus on wanting to find out the left-hand side.
By the Law of Total Probability and the Multiplication Rule of Probability, we obtain the following equation. Taking the reciprocal of both sides gives us
Hogg et al. (2013). Introduction to Mathematical Statistcs(7th Edition): p23. ↩︎