Eigenvalues of Positive Definite Matrices and the Maximum Value of Quadratic Forms📂Linear Algebra
Eigenvalues of Positive Definite Matrices and the Maximum Value of Quadratic Forms
Let’s assume that the eigenpairs A∈Rp×p of a positive definite matrix{(λk,ek)}k=1n are ordered as λ1≥⋯≥λn≥0. On the Unit Sphere, the maximum and minimum values of the quadratic form xTAx are as follows.
∥x∥=1maxxTAx=∥x∥=1minxTAx=λ1λp, attained when x=e1, attained when x=ep
Meanwhile, the following holds for k=2,⋯,p−1:
∥x∥=1x⊥e1,⋯,ek−1maxxTAx=λk, attained when x=ek
The given theorem describes the relationship between the quadratic form and the eigenvalues for vectors that satisfy ∥x∥=1, i.e., on the unit sphere for x. Specifically, the last formula demonstrates that the maximum value of the quadratic form, when excluding eigen vectors up to the (k−1)th in the solution space, exactly matches λk.
For a fixed x=0, if we set x1=x/xTx, then ∥x1∥=1, and hence,
thus, in the proof, we should directly deal with xTxxTBx instead of sticking to the condition of ∥x∥=1.
Assuming that the orthogonal matrixP and the diagonal matrixΛ are defined as mentioned above, let’s define vector y∈Rp as follows:
and hence, for the identity matrixI∈Rp×p, the following holds:
=====≤=xTxxTAxxTIxxTAAxxTPPTxxTPΛPTPΛPTxyTyyTΛIΛyyTyyTΛy∑i=1pyi2∑i=1pλiyi2λ1∑i=1pyi2∑i=1pyi2λ1⋯⋆P=[e1⋯en] and for different i=j, eiTej=0; when indices are the same, eiTei=1, so if we choose x=e1, then
and hence,
∥x∥=1maxxTAx=λ1, attained when x=e1
Similarly, we can also find the minimum value as follows. In the development labelled as ⋆, λ1 becomes λp, and the direction of the inequality is reversed.
∥x∥=1minxTAx=λp, attained when x=ep
Part 2. maxx⊥e1,⋯,ek−1xTAx=λk
Defined y as y=PTx and since P is an orthogonal matrix, Py=x. This x can be represented as follows by the eigen vectors e1,⋯,ep:
If we define x⊥e1,⋯,ek−1, then for all ei with respect to i<k, the inner product is
Looking back at ⋆ from Part 1,
and when yk=1 and yk+1=⋯=yp=0 are set, i.e., when x=∑i=1pyiei=ek, the maximum value is obtained.