If f and g are analytic within a simple closed pathC and its interior and satisfy ∣g(z)∣<∣f(z)∣ on C, then f and f+g have the same number of zeros in the interior of C.
This theorem involves considering the given function as h=f+g and smartly dividing it into f and g. Especially for polynomial functions, such manipulation is very straightforward, making it very useful. Moreover, coupled with numerical methods, it is possible to determine the specific location of the solutions to equation h(z)=0 quite accurately.
Strategy: Define Z such that Z(0) represents the number of zeros of f, and Z(1) represents the number of zeros of g, and show that Z(0)=Z(1) holds. The function value of Z is an integer, and if it is a continuous function, then the only such Z would be a constant function, hence obtaining Z(0)=Z(1).
Considering h(z,t):=f(z)+tg(z) for t∈[0,1], since f and g are analytic within C and its interior, h(z,t) does not have any poles within C and its interior for a fixed t. If f(z)+tg(z)=0 then
but since t∈[0,1], then ∣f(z)∣≤∣g(z)∣. This contradicts the assumption, hence f(z)+tg(z)=0 must hold.
With f(z)+tg(z)=0, a new function Z(t):=2πi1∫Cf(z)+tg(z)f′(z)+tg′(z)dz can be defined.
Furthermore, since the range of Z:[0,1]→Z is the set of integers Z, if Z is a continuous function, then Z can only be a constant function. Calculating ∣Z(t)−Z(s)∣ leads to finding
Since C is compact, according to the maximum and minimum value theorem, there exists a M>0 that satisfies (∣f(z)∣−∣g(z)∣)2f(z)g′(z)−f′(z)g(z)≤M.
ML Lemma: Given a positive number ∣f(z)∣≤M and the length L of C,
If the length of C is L, then
Hence, when ∣t−s∣→0, ∣Z(t)−Z(s)∣→0, which implies that Z is (uniformly) continuous. Since the function values of Z(t) are integers, to maintain continuity, Z can only be a constant function, thus obtaining Z(0)=Z(1).
Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p100. ↩︎