
Perron-Frobenius Theorem 📂Matrix Algebra

Perron-Frobenius Theorem


Auxiliary Definitions

  1. To apply a permutation on a matrix literally means to change the order of rows and columns.
  2. A matrix $A$ is reducible if, after applying a permutation to $\tilde{A}$, it can be represented in the form of a Jordan block with respect to some square matrices $B, D$, a zero matrix $O$, and matrix $C$1. If not, it is said to be irreducible.

$$ \tilde{A} = \begin{bmatrix} B & O \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} $$


For every $i,j \in \left\{ 1 , \cdots , n \right\}$, the positive matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ always has an eigenvalue $\lambda > 0$ that satisfies the following.

  • (i): $\lambda$ has an algebraic multiplicity $1$.
  • (ii): All components of the eigenvector corresponding to $\lambda$ are positive.
  • (iii): For all other eigenvalues $\mu$, $\lambda > \left| \mu \right|$ holds.

In other words, all eigenvalues of $A$ are positive and have a spectral radius $\rho (A)$ with an algebraic multiplicity of $1$.


For every $i,j \in \left\{ 1 , \cdots , n \right\}$, an irreducible non-negative matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ always has an eigenvalue $\lambda > 0$ that satisfies all the properties mentioned in Perron’s theorem.


Reducible Matrices

Since all positive matrices are irreducible ($\not\exist O$) and non-negative ($(A)_{ij} > 0 \ge 0$), Frobenius’ theorem generalizes Perron’s theorem. Collectively called the Perron-Frobenius theorem, it is applied in various fields such as quantum mechanics and mathematical biology. Its proof is rather long and complicated and is omitted here.2

Meanwhile, the following theorem is known about the determinant of reducible matrices.

Determinant of Block Matrices: A matrix that can be represented in the following form by applying permutations to rows and columns is called a reducible matrix, and its determinant is $\pm \det B \det D$. $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} B & O \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} $$

Graph Theory

The adjacency matrix of a simple graph is a non-negative matrix with only $0$ and $1$ as components, and especially if it is a connected graph, it satisfies all the conditions of the Perron-Frobenius theorem since there cannot exist a zero matrix as mentioned in the definition of reducible matrix $O$. In many cases, the graphs of interest in graph theory are connected simple graphs, so it can be assured that their adjacency matrices have a spectral radius unless they are uniquely peculiar.

  1. Gantmacher. (2000). The Theory of Matrices, Vol.2: p50 ↩︎

  2. Gantmacher. (2000). The Theory of Matrices, Vol.2: p53~62 ↩︎