Product of Indicator Functions
📂LemmasProduct of Indicator Functions
For x1,⋯,xn∈R and constant θ∈R, the product of I⋅(xi) is as follows:
- IA is the indicator function for the set A.
Regardless of how many xi are in [θ,∞), if the smallest minxi is less than θ, it eventually leads to 0, and the rest is the product of 1, so it is not necessary to consider all xi.
Reverse Direction
It is necessary for the proof of the theorem related to sufficient statistics. Although it’s obvious, one can consider the following theorem in the opposite direction:
In the case where x is fixed
The introduced theorem considered x1,⋯,xn∈R as a variable and the set was fixed. On the other hand, when x is fixed and A1,⋯,An is variable, one can consider the product of indicator functions as follows.