
Fractal Brownian Motion 📂Probability Theory

Fractal Brownian Motion


E(Xt)=0E \left( X_{t} \right) = 0 given XtX_{t} is a Gaussian process and let’s denote it by H(0,1)H \in (0, 1). The Fractional Brownian motion can be defined in the following two ways.

Definition through Covariance 1

The covariance at time point t,st, s of XtX_{t}, if it follows the expression below, is referred to as Fractional Brownian Motion. Cov(Xt,Xs)=12(t2H+s2Hts2H) \operatorname{Cov} \left( X_{t}, X_{s} \right) = {{ 1 } \over { 2 }} \left( t^{2H} + s^{2H} - \left| t-s \right|^{2H} \right)

Definition through Conditions 2

XtX_{t} is considered as Fractional Brownian Motion if it satisfies the following two conditions.


The term Fractional is thought to be more appropriately derived from Fractal rather than Fraction considering the self-similarity mentioned in the definition, thus it is rationalized to Fractional Brownian Motion.

When H=1/2H = 1/2, it is exactly a Brownian Motion. In other words, FBM is a perfect generalization of standard BM.

  1. Sottinen. (2003). Fractional Brownian Motion in Finance and Queueing: p7. ↩︎

  2. Yang. (2008). LRD of Fractional Brownian Motion and Application in Data Network: p6~8. ↩︎