
CKLS Mean Reverting Gamma Stochastic Differential Equation 📂Stochastic Differential Equations

CKLS Mean Reverting Gamma Stochastic Differential Equation

Model 1

$$ d X_{t} = \left( \alpha - \beta X_{t} \right) dt + \sigma X_{t}^{\gamma} d W_{t} \qquad , X_{0} > 0 $$ Let’s assume $\alpha, \beta, \sigma, \gamma > 0$. This stochastic differential equation is called the CKLS Mean Reverting Gamma Stochastic Differential Equation.


  • $X_{t}$: Represents the Interest Rate or the Gene Frequency.


  • $\alpha / \beta$: The Mean Reversion, towards which $X_{t}$ tends to revert over the long term.
  • $\alpha > 0$: The Speed of Adjustment, where a higher value means a faster return to the mean.
  • $\sigma > 0$: Represents the Volatility.
  • $\gamma > 0$: Represents the nonlinear relationship between $X_{t}$ and volatility.


The CKLS equation proposed by Chan, Károlyi, Longstaff, Sanders is a stochastic differential equation that can be seen as a generalization of several well-known models in financial mathematics.

  1. Panik. (2017). Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications in Population Dynamics Modeling: p184. ↩︎