
Graph Families and Properties 📂Graph Theory

Graph Families and Properties


Consider a simple graph with a set of nn labeled vertices V=[n]={1,,n}V = [n] = \left\{ 1 ,\cdots , n \right\}. The graph can have edges equal to the number of ways to choose two distinct vertices, thus there are exactly (n2)\binom{n}{2} such edges. Let’s think about this not just in terms of each edge, but the entire graph. With nn vertices fixed, each of the (n2)\binom{n}{2} possible edges either exists (1) or does not exist (0), so the set of all graphs with nn vertices can be represented as follows: 2(n2) 2^{\binom{n}{2}} Of course, we are not interested in all of these graphs, so we would like to collect only those that have the properties we need. For example, if there is a set PP that consists only of planar graphs with nn vertices and a set OO that consists only of Eulerian graphs, then these can be defined as subsets of 2(n2)2^{\binom{n}{2}}, and it is sufficient to call them properties because if a graph is part of these subsets, it is said to have those properties. For instance, if G(PO)G \in \left( P \cap O \right), then graph GG is both a planar and an Eulerian graph. In other words, graph GG has the properties of being planar and Eulerian.

Definition 1

  1. The family of graphs with nn labeled vertices is represented using the power set notation as follows: 2(n2) 2^{\binom{n}{2}}
  2. A subset P2(n2)\mathscr{P} \subset 2^{\binom{n}{2}} of the graph family 2(n2)2^{\binom{n}{2}} is called a property.
  3. The property Gn,m2(n2)\mathscr{G}_{n,m} \subset 2^{\binom{n}{2}} of being a simple graph with nn labeled vertices and mm edges is defined as follows: Gn,m={G2(n2):V(G)=[n],E(G)=m} \mathscr{G}_{n,m} = \left\{ G \in 2^{\binom{n}{2}} : V(G) = [n] , \left| E(G) \right| = m \right\}
  4. A property that still holds if one edge eE(G)e \notin E(G) is added to GG is called a monotonically increasing property. In other words, P\mathscr{P} satisfying the following is a monotonically increasing property: GP    (G+e)P G \in \mathscr{P} \implies (G + e) \in \mathscr{P} Conversely, a property that still holds even if one edge eE(G)e \in E(G) is removed is called a monotonically decreasing property as follows: GP    (Ge)P G \in \mathscr{P} \implies (G - e) \in \mathscr{P} These are collectively referred to as monotone properties.

  1. Frieze. (2015). Introduction to Random Graphs: p5~7. ↩︎