
What is a Ladder Operator in Quantum Mechanics? 📂Quantum Mechanics

What is a Ladder Operator in Quantum Mechanics?


For an arbitrary operator NN, let nn be its eigenvalue and n\ket{n} be the corresponding eigenfunction.

Nn=nn N \ket{n} = n \ket{n}

An operator AA that satisfies the following conditions is called the ladder operator corresponding to NN.

[N,A]=cA(1) \left[ N, A \right] = cA \tag{1}

Here, cc is a constant, and [N,A][N, A] is the commutator.


The reason why AA is called the ladder operator is that AA can raise or lower the eigenvalue of n\ket{n}. When AA raises the eigenvalue of n\ket{n}, it is called the raising operator, and when it lowers the eigenvalue of n\ket{n}, it is called the lowering operator.

Consider the case where c>0c \gt 0. By solving (1)(1),

NAAN=cA    NA=AN+cA NA - AN = cA \implies NA = AN + cA

It can be shown that AnA\ket{n} is an eigenfunction of NN with an eigenvalue greater by cc than n\ket{n}.

N(An)=(AN+cA)n=ANn+cAn=nAn+cAn=(n+c)An \begin{align*} N(A\ket{n}) &= (AN + cA)\ket{n} \\ &= AN\ket{n} + cA\ket{n} \\ &= nA\ket{n} + cA\ket{n} \\ &= (n + c)A\ket{n} \end{align*}

So, it is An=n+cA\ket{n} = \ket{n+c}. In this scenario, the raising operator is commonly denoted as A+A_{+}. If NN is a Hermitian operator, then the adjoint operator of A+A{+} is, conversely, the lowering operator that lowers the eigenvalue of n\ket{n} by cc, and it is denoted as A=AA_{-} = A^{\ast}. Since NN is a Hermitian operator, cc is real,

NAAN=cA    (NAAN)=(cA)    ANNA=cA    NAAN=cA    [N,A]=cA \begin{align*} && NA - AN &= cA \\ \implies && (NA - AN)^{\dagger} &= (cA)^{\dagger} \\ \implies && A^{\dagger}N - NA^{\dagger} &= cA^{\dagger} \\ \implies && NA^{\dagger} - A^{\dagger}N &= -cA^{\dagger} \\ \implies && \left[ N, A^{\dagger} \right] &= -cA^{\dagger} \\ \end{align*}

Therefore, it is A=AA^{\dagger} = A_{-} and the lowering operator lowers the eigenvalue of n\ket{n} by cc.