Let’s consider a matrix A of size n×m. The elements whose row and column numbers are the same, that is, aii(1≤i≤min(n,m)), are called the main diagonal elements. The imaginary line connecting the main diagonal elements is referred to as the main diagonal, or principal diagonal.
A matrix A, in which all elements except for the main diagonal elements are 0, is called a diagonal matrix.
Let’s consider a diagonal matrix A=[aij] of size n×n. Then, the power of A is as follows.
The inverse of A is as follows. In other words, the property regarding powers naturally extends even when k is negative.
Considering cofactor expansion, the determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of all the diagonal elements. For a diagonal matrix n×n, its determinant is,
Howard Anton, Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version (12th Edition, 2019), p69-71 ↩︎