Inner Product is a Continuous Mapping
📂Hilbert SpaceInner Product is a Continuous Mapping
Let’s assume (X,⟨⋅,⋅⟩) is an inner product space and {xn}, {yn} are sequences in X converging to x and
y, respectively. Then, the following holds.
⟨xn,yn⟩→⟨x,y⟩ as n→∞
Since the limit can move inside and outside of the inner product, we obtain the following corollary.
Assuming that H is a Hilbert space, {xk}k∈N is a sequence in H, and {ck}k∈N∈ℓ2(N) with k=1∑∞ckxk converging, then the following equation holds.
⟨x,k=1∑∞ckxk⟩=⟨k=1∑∞ckxk,x⟩= k=1∑∞ck⟨x,xk⟩ k=1∑∞ck⟨xk,x⟩
This implies that the inner product is a continuous mapping, according to the equivalence condition of continuity. It is needless to say that this is a very useful property.
It can be easily shown through the definition of inner product and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
∣⟨xn,yn⟩−⟨x,y⟩∣=≤= ∣⟨xn,yn⟩−⟨x,yn⟩+⟨,yn⟩−⟨x,y⟩∣∣⟨xn,yn⟩−⟨x,yn⟩∣+∣⟨x,yn⟩−⟨x,y⟩∣ ∣⟨xn−x,yn⟩∣+∣⟨x,yn−y⟩∣
Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the right-hand side gives the following.
Since the norm is a continuous mapping, n→∞lim∥xn−x∥=0 and the same applies to yn. Therefore, taking the limits on both sides of the equation gives
⟹n→∞lim∣⟨xn,yn⟩−⟨x,y⟩∣≤n→∞lim⟨xn,yn⟩=0 ⟨x,y⟩