
Proof of Poincaré bendixson Theorem 📂Dynamics

Proof of Poincaré bendixson Theorem


22 Consider a manifold P\mathcal{P} and a function f,gCr(P)f,g \in C^{r} \left( \mathcal{P} \right) such that the following vector field is given as a differential equation: x˙=f(x,y)y˙=g(x,y) \dot{x} = f(x,y) \\ \dot{y} = g(x,y) If M\mathcal{M} represents an invariant set with a finite number of fixed points, then the omega limit set ω(p)\omega (p) of pMp \in \mathcal{M} satisfies one of the following three conditions:

  • (1): ω(p)\omega (p) is a singleton set, meaning it contains only one fixed point.
  • (2): ω(p)\omega (p) is a closed orbit.
  • (3): ω(p)\omega (p) consists of orbits γ\gamma that satisfy the following for some fixed points p1,,pnp_{1} , \cdots , p_{n} of i,j[1,n]i,j \in [1,n]: α(γ)={pi}ω(γ)={pj} \alpha ( \gamma ) = \left\{ p_{i} \right\} \\ \omega ( \gamma ) = \left\{ p_{j} \right\}


A metric space is naturally a T1T_{1} space, and in T1T_{1}, singleton sets are closed sets, so it can be said that ω(p)={p}\omega (p) = \left\{ p \right\} is naturally a closed orbit. However, in the context of the statement, let’s differentiate the case that includes only one fixed point as something else.

In fact, in the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem, chaos doesn’t even need to be defined, and the statement that chaos does not occur is close to a corollary. What the theorem tells us is just a classification of omega limit sets, and it is deduced that chaos cannot occur because it is precisely made up of what we know. However, due to such theorems, the interest in chaos theory is able to definitively move beyond the dimension 22.

The intuitive understanding of the theorem is not very difficult. If M\mathcal{M} is not bounded, it cannot be chaotic in the first place, and if it is bounded, it cannot extend indefinitely, so the flow must either narrow down and rotate or spread out and rotate. However, unlike in the dimension 33, in the dimension 22, a line divides the plane into two regions, so one of the regions must always be abandoned. This is metaphorically like abandoning the remaining part of the bounded space M\mathcal{M} as time passes. If you try to pass through the flow you have already passed to use an area you have not passed yet, at that moment, it becomes a closed orbit, and eventually, it converges to a fixed point or a closed orbit, making it impossible to cause chaos.

Proof 1

Strategy: As befitting a theorem named after Poincaré, it’s topologically oriented. Let Σ\Sigma be a continuous, connected arc in the interior P\mathcal{P}.

If the normal vector at all points of Σ\Sigma and the vector field do not have an inner product of 00 and do not change sign, then Σ\Sigma is said to transverse the vector field of P\mathcal{P}. This concept can also be thought of for just one point, where the vector field and Σ\Sigma would not be tangent at that point. In terms of the flow’s sense, it not only meets at a point but also penetrates Σ\Sigma.

Let’s represent the flow created by the given vector field as ϕt\phi_{t}, and represent the orbit of a point pPp \in \mathcal{P} under the flow ϕt\phi_{t} for positive time as O+(p)O_{+}(p). Let’s represent the orbit that a point pip_{i} reaches pjp_{j} following the flow of time tt under the flow ϕt\phi_{t} as pipj^O+(p)\widehat{p_{i} p_{j}} \subset O_{+} (p). The omega limit set denoted as ω()\omega ( \cdot ) was originally defined for a given point, but the ω(X)\omega \left( X \right) for some set XX can be thought of as follows: ω(X):=xXω(x) \omega (X) := \bigcup_{x \in X} \omega (x) The same applies to the alpha limit set denoted as α()\alpha ( \cdot ).

In addition, the following auxiliary theorems will be used continuously.

Auxiliary Theorem (Properties of Omega Limit Sets): Let the whole space be the Euclidean space X=RnX = \mathbb{R}^{n} and a point pMp \in \mathcal{M} of the compact invariant set M\mathcal{M} in the flow ϕt()\phi_{t} ( \cdot ) is given:

  • [1]: ω(p)\omega (p) \ne \emptyset
  • [2]: ω(p)\omega (p) is a closed set.
  • [3]: ω(p)\omega (p) is invariant under the flow, i.e., ω(p)\omega (p) is a union of orbits.
  • [4]: ω(p)\omega (p) is a connected space.

First, the omega limit sets that occur in dimension 22 will not be in the form of having an area, so the omega limit sets mentioned below can be thought of in the form of some curve.

Part 1.

If ΣM\Sigma \subset \mathcal{M} is an arc that crosses the vector field, and since M\mathcal{M} is an invariant set in the dimension 22 vector field, Σ\Sigma cannot go out of M\mathcal{M} against the flow of the vector field. Therefore, for any pMp \in \mathcal{M}, if we call the kkth point where O+(p)O_{+} (p) and Σ\Sigma meet as pkp_{k}, then it must be pkpk1pk+1^O+(p)p_{k}\subset \widehat{p_{k-1} p_{k+1}} \subset O_{+} (p). In other words, the flow is converging to some inner core while meeting Σ\Sigma, and it doesn’t happen that the intersection points get closer and then move away again.

Part 2. The omega limit set ω(p)\omega (p) of pMp \in \mathcal{M} intersects Σ\Sigma at most at one point.

This will be shown by contradiction. Assume that ω(p)\omega (p) and Σ\Sigma intersect at two different points q,qq , \overline{q}.

Then, by the definition of the omega limit set, when nn \to \infty, a sequence {qn}nN,{qn}nNO+(p)\left\{ q_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} , \left\{ \overline{q}_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset O_{+} (p) that satisfies qnqqnq q_{n} \to q \\ \overline{q}_{n} \to \overline{q} exists. However, according to Part 1, these intersection points are arranged in a sequence p1,p2,p_{1} , p_{2} , \cdots, so there is a contradiction to the assumption. Therefore, ω(p)\omega (p) and Σ\Sigma either do not meet at all or meet at only one point if they do. [ NOTE: In the case of a torus, this logic cannot be applied directly, but the same conclusion can be reached by dividing it into pieces so that it becomes a shape like M\mathcal{M}. ]

Part 3. If ω(p)\omega (p) does not include fixed points, it is a closed orbit.

After showing that the orbit O+(q)O_{+}(q) of qω(p)q \in \omega (p) is a closed orbit, it needs to be shown that it is ω(p)=O+(q)\omega (p) = O_{+} (q).

  • Part 3-1. Orbit O+(q)O_{+}(q) is closed.
    • If we pick a point xω(q)x \in \omega (q), according to auxiliary theorem [2], since ω(p)\omega (p) is closed and a union of orbits without fixed points, xx must also not be a fixed point. Be careful not to get confused with p,qp,q, the assumption is that ω(p)\omega (p) does not have fixed points, and since xx is said to be xω(q)x \in \omega (q), there is no guarantee that it is necessarily xω(p)x \in \omega (p), but it can be concluded that it is not a fixed point anyway. Now, let’s take one arc Σx\Sigma_{x} that crosses the vector field of this non-fixed point xx. According to Part 1., the sequence of intersections {qn}nN\left\{ q_{n} \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} of Σx\Sigma_{x} and O+(q)O_{+} (q) is qnxq_{n} \to x when nn \to \infty, and since xMx \in \mathcal{M}, according to Part 2., for nN\forall n \in \mathbb{N}, it must be qn=xq_{n} = x. Since xx is not a fixed point, if O+(q)O_{+} (q) intersects with xx, it must cross and then return to intersect again repeatedly. Since it is said here that xω(q)x \in \omega (q), O+(q)O_{+}(q) actually intersects with xx without stopping or pausing as it approaches xx, and therefore, O+(q)O_{+}(q) becomes a closed orbit.
  • Part 3-2. O+(q)=ω(p)O_{+}(q) = \omega (p)
    • If we take one arc Σq\Sigma_{q} that crosses the vector field from point qω(p)q \in \omega (p), according to Part 2, ω(p)\omega (p) and Σq\Sigma_{q} meet only at qq. According to auxiliary theorem [3], since ω(p)\omega (p) is a union of orbits, if qω(p)q \in \omega (p) then O+(q)ω(p)O_{+} (q) \subset \omega (p), but since ω(p)\omega (p) does not contain fixed points and is a connected space, it must be exactly O+(q)=ω(p)O_{+}(q) = \omega (p).

Part 4. For pMp \in \mathcal{M}, if p1,p2ω(p)p_{1} , p_{2} \in \omega (p) are different fixed points of the vector field, there exists at most one orbit γω(p)\gamma \subset \omega (p) that satisfies α(γ)={p1}\alpha (\gamma) = \left\{ p_{1} \right\} and ω(γ)={p2}\omega (\gamma) = \left\{ p_{2} \right\}.

This will be shown by contradiction. If there are two different orbits connecting two points, there would be some area K\mathcal{K} with an area between the two orbits, and a contradiction will be derived from there. Assume that there exist two different orbits γ1,γ2ω(p)\gamma_{1} , \gamma_{2} \subset \omega (p) satisfying the following conditions. α(γi)={p1}ω(γi)={p2} \alpha \left( \gamma_{i} \right) = \left\{ p_{1} \right\} \\ \omega \left( \gamma_{i} \right) = \left\{ p_{2} \right\} Let’s take one point each from these orbits, q1γ1q_{1} \in \gamma_{1}, q2γ2q_{2} \in \gamma_{2}, and take arcs that cross the vector field from q1q_{1} and q2q_{2} as Σ1,Σ2\Sigma_{1}, \Sigma_{2}.

Since γ1,γ2ω(p)\gamma_{1} , \gamma_{2} \subset \omega (p), according to Part 2, let’s say O+(p)O_{+} (p) intersects with Σ1\Sigma_{1} at one point aa and then Σ2\Sigma_{2} intersects at one point bb. Then, in the dimension 22 manifold, there will be a subregion K\color{red}{\mathcal{K}} surrounded by the following path.


q1Σ1aO+(p)bΣ2q2ω(γ)p2γ1q1 q_{1} \overset{\Sigma_{1}}{\to} a \overset{ O_{+} (p) }{ \to } b \overset{\Sigma_{2}}{\to} q_{2} \overset{ \omega (\gamma) }{ \to } p_{2} \overset{ \gamma_{1} }{ \gets } q_{1} The notation xCy\displaystyle x \overset{\mathcal{C}}{\to} y was used to mean that point x,yx,y was connected to curve C\mathcal{C}. The flow starting from K\color{red}{\mathcal{K}} cannot go over γ1,γ2\gamma_{1} , \gamma_{2}, so K\color{red}{\mathcal{K}} becomes an invariant set. However, the fact that the orbit O+(p)O_{+}(p) starting from pp cannot exit once it enters K\color{red}{\mathcal{K}} means that neither γ1\gamma_{1} nor γ2\gamma_{2} can belong to ω(p)\omega (p). For example, if you think about γ2\gamma_{2}, q2γ2p2q_{2} \overset{\gamma_{2}}{\to} p_{2} may belong to ω(p)\omega (p), but it cannot go to the front part, p1γ2q2p_{1} \overset{\gamma_{2}}{\to} q_{2}. Therefore, the claim that the entire γ2\gamma_{2} belongs to ω(p)\omega (p) cannot be made, and it contradicts γ1,γ2ω(p)\gamma_{1} , \gamma_{2} \subset \omega (p).

Part 5.

In this part only, let’s call a point that is not a fixed point a Regular Point. There’s no need to limit this to just this part, but since the expression Regular is often used in academia regardless of the field, using it without caution or warning can cause great confusion.

  • Case 1. If ω(p)\omega (p) only has fixed points
    • Since M\mathcal{M} has a finite number of fixed points and ω(p)\omega (p) is a connected space, it must have only one fixed point.
  • Case 2. If ω(p)\omega (p) only has regular points
    • According to Part 3, ω(p)\omega (p) is a closed orbit.
  • Case 3. If ω(p)\omega (p) has both fixed and regular points
    • Consider the orbit γω(p)\gamma \subset \omega (p) consisting only of regular points.

Since γ\gamma consists only of regular points, according to Part 3, ω(γ)\omega ( \gamma ) and α(γ)\alpha (\gamma) are closed orbits, but they must also have fixed points. However, according to auxiliary theorem [4], since ω(γ)\omega ( \gamma ) is a connected space, the closed orbit and the fixed point cannot be separated, and the fixed point must be located at one point on the closed orbit, which means ω(γ)\omega ( \gamma ) is a singleton set containing only fixed points. The same discussion can be repeated for α(γ)\alpha ( \gamma ), so all regular points of ω(p)\omega (p) have fixed points as their omega and alpha limit points.

ω(p)\omega (p) must fall into one of these three cases. This concludes the proof.

  1. Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition): 118~120. ↩︎