Definition and Relationship of Extremum in Analysis and Differential Coefficients
Let be a metric space. If there exists a positive real number such that the function satisfies the condition below, then has a local maximum at point .
To put it in words:
If the direction of the inequality is reversed, it becomes the definition of a local minimum.
Let be a metric space. If there exists a positive real number such that the function satisfies the condition below, then has a local minimum at point .
The English terms local maximum/minimum and relative maximum/minimum both refer to local maxima/minima.
In high school mathematics, because limits, continuity, and differentiation are not defined rigorously, the place ‘where differentiation gives and the sign of the derivative changes from left to right’ was called a local maximum/minimum. In analysis, local maxima/minima are defined first, and if is differentiable, it can be proven that the derivative at a local maximum/minimum is .
Let’s assume that function is defined in the interval . If has a local maximum at and the derivative exists at , then holds.
NOTE: Pay attention that the converse is not true. In other words, does not guarantee that is a local maximum or minimum.
The method of proof is the same in the case of a local minimum.
Assuming has a local maximum at , we can select a positive number as follows.
Let’s consider dividing into points smaller and larger than based on .
Case 1.
Let’s say . Then, the following holds.
Since is a local maximum, taking the limit as does not change the sign. Therefore, by the definition of derivative, the following holds.
Case 2.
Let’s say . Then, the following holds.
For the same reason as Case 1., the following equation holds.
must satisfy both and , thus we get the following.