Operator Solution of the Differential Equation Satisfied by Hermite Functions
📂Mathematical PhysicsOperator Solution of the Differential Equation Satisfied by Hermite Functions
Given the differential equation
The solution to (1) is as follows, known as the Hermite function.
Here, D is the differential operator D=dxd.
The first equation of yn can be directly obtained by solving the differential equation. That the second equation is equivalent to the first can be proven through mathematical induction.
Given the differential equation can be represented as follows by the properties of differential operators (e), (f).
If we substitute n−1 for n in (2) and apply (D−x) to both sides, we get the following.
Substituting n+1 for n in (1) and applying (D+x) to both sides gives the following.
Let’s say yn satisfies the equation below.
Then, (3)=(1) and, therefore, (4)=(2) so, yn still satisfies the differential equation. Thus, let’s find a yn with such properties.
(D−x) changes yn−1 to yn, thus let’s call it the raising operator. Conversely, (D+x) changes yn+1 into yn, so let’s call it the lowering operator. Now, if we find y0 that satisfies (3) and (4), then we can express the solution yn of the differential equation through the raising operator. y0 is the ground state, so applying the lowering operator results in 0. This is a physical condition. Therefore, we get the following equation.
This equation is a simple separable differential equation.
Therefore, yn is as follows.