
Do not use articles for Figure, Table, and Appendice in English papers 📂Writing

Do not use articles for Figure, Table, and Appendice in English papers


In English academic papers, the first letters of Figure, Table, Appendix, and Diagram are always capitalized. Additionally, articles such as a/an/the are not attached to them. Remember especially not to attach “the” to terms like Definition, Theorem, and Lemma in mathematics papers.


  • $\sout{\text{The figure}}\text{ 1 shows the relationship between A and B. (X)}$

  • $\text{Figure 1 shows the relationship between A and B. (O)}$

  • $\text{See } \sout{\text{the appendix}} \text{ for more details.} \text{ (X)}$

  • $\text{See Appendix for more details. (O)}$