
Autonomous Systems: Flow and Time-T Maps 📂Dynamics

Autonomous Systems: Flow and Time-T Maps

Definition 1


Given a space $X$ and a function $f : X \to X$, suppose we have the following vector field presented as a differential equation. $$ \dot{x} = f(x) $$ For a time variable $t$ and an initial value $x_{0}$, the solution to the autonomous differential equation is called a flow, which is denoted as $F(t, x_{0})$. For a fixed unit time $t = T$, $F_{T}(x) := F(T,x)$ is called a time-$T$ map.

Time Evolution

Regarding the projection $P : X \to \mathbb{R}^{1}$ that typically retains only one coordinate, when $P \left( F \left( t, x_{0} \right) \right)$ is viewed as a function of time $t$, it is also called time evolution.


A flow is also referred to as a trajectory or a phase space. [ NOTE: This is a homonym with the phase space generally mentioned in mathematics, but conceptually, there is no major correlation. ]

From its definition, it can be observed that the flow $F$ describes changes according to $t$ by fixing the initial value $x_{0}$. The time-$T$ map was introduced to handle continuous dynamical systems with maps, originally expressed through differential equations. This allows the discussion in multidimensional maps to be extended to differential equations.


Let’s consider a simple autonomous system such as $\dot{x} = x$: Since the solution to this system is simply $x = x_{0} e^{t}$, the flow of this system for an initial value $x_{0}$ would be $F(t,x_{0}) = x_{0} e^{t}$. Meanwhile, without fixing the initial value, a system that starts from $x$ is verified through the time-$T$ map when time $T$ has passed. The time-$T$ map maps $x$ to $x e^{T}$ after time $T$ has passed as follows: $$ F_{T} : x \mapsto x e^{T} $$ Although it might not be a commonly used expression in dynamics, if one wishes to represent it like a general multidimensional map, the following equation could be formed: $$ F_{T+1} (x) = F_{1} \left( F_{T}(x) \right) $$

  1. Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p277. ↩︎