
Dynamical Systems Described by Differential Equations and Equilibrium Points 📂Dynamics

Dynamical Systems Described by Differential Equations and Equilibrium Points

Definition 1

Given a space VV and function f:VVf : V \to V, assume the following vector field is given as a differential equation: v˙=f(v) \dot{v} = f(v)

  1. If variable tt is included in the differential equation and tt is not explicitly shown, it is referred to as an Autonomous Differential Equation.
  2. If a constant function f0(v)f_{0} (v) is a solution to the autonomous differential equation v˙=f(v)\dot{v} = f(v), then f0f_{0} is called an Equilibrium Point.


Autonomous Systems

Dynamical systems expressed by autonomous differential equations are referred to as Autonomous Systems. Geometrically, since most are expressed as vector fields, they are simply called vector fields in the appropriate context. Usually, variable tt represents time, and the fact that the equation includes variable tt without explicitly showing it, for example, refers to an equation like the following: y˙=y \dot{y} = y A non-trivial solution to the above differential equation is y=ety = e^t. The reason for the term autonomous becomes clear when considering non-autonomous differential equations, which are, as the name suggests, differential equations where variable tt is explicitly shown. An example would be as follows, with the addition of term sint\sin t: y˙=y+sint \dot{y} = y + \sin t Systems represented by such differential equations can be seen as being influenced by some external interference over time tt, rather than being yy itself. In this sense, calling equations that are not non-autonomous, autonomous differential equations seems appropriate.

Fixed Points

Equilibrium Points have a physical sense to them, and in mathematics, the term Fixed Point is preferred. In a system, a fixed point, as the name suggests, does not move. A point not moving means that the derivative indicating the change of position is entirely 00, and since it’s a fixed point, it’s a constant function. Strictly speaking, it’s an element of the function space C1(X)C^{1} (X) constituted by the solutions to the differential equation rather than the domain XX defined for the function, i.e., it’s a fixed point as a function. However, depending on the textbook, it may also be loosely referred to as an element of XX that is a fixed point.

Notation in Differential Equations

In differential geometry, the notation of differentiation with respect to ss and tt: dfds=fanddfdt=f˙ {{ df } \over { ds }} = f^{\prime} \quad \text{and} \quad {{ df } \over { dt }} = \dot{f} Whether it’s dot ˙\dot{} or prime ', differentiation is differentiation, but in the context of differential geometry, symbols can be differentiated as shown above. Usually, ss represents the parameter of a unit speed curve, and t=t(s)t = t(s) represents the parameter of a curve reparametrized by the length of the curve.

Although not strictly necessary, in dynamics, the notation using dot y˙\dot{y} is often used in place of prime yy ', as dynamics generally deals with vector fields in terms of changes over time tt.


Consider the Lorenz attractor as an example: {x˙=σx+σyy˙=xz+ρxyz˙=xyβz \begin{cases} \dot{x} = - \sigma x + \sigma y \\ \dot{y} = - xz + \rho x - y \\ \dot{z} = xy - \beta z \end{cases} Fixed points can be obtained by substituting 00 for all left sides, since they describe points that do not move on domain R3\mathbb{R}^3. {0=σx+σy0=xz+ρxy0=xyβz \begin{cases} \displaystyle 0 = - \sigma x + \sigma y \\ \displaystyle 0 = - xz + \rho x - y \\ \displaystyle 0 = xy - \beta z \end{cases} Through simple calculations, the following three fixed points FiF_{i} can be found: F1=F1(t)=(0,0,0)F2=F2(t)=(β(ρ1),β(ρ1),(ρ1))F3=F3(t)=(β(ρ1),β(ρ1),(ρ1)) F_{1} = F_{1}(t) = (0,0,0) \\ F_{2} = F_{2}(t) = \left( \sqrt{\beta (\rho - 1)},\sqrt{\beta (\rho - 1)}, (\rho-1) \right) \\ F_{3} = F_{3}(t) = \left( -\sqrt{\beta (\rho - 1)},-\sqrt{\beta (\rho - 1)}, (\rho-1) \right) Note that it is expressed as a function like Fi=Fi(t)F_{i} = F_{i} (t). At first glance, FiF_{i} seems like a point in R3\mathbb{R}^{3}, but according to its definition, it’s obtained as a constant function whose value does not change over time tt and as a solution to the Lorenz differential equation. Conceptually, there’s no difference from a point in three-dimensional space.

See Also

  1. Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p271~277. ↩︎