
Attractors in Dynamical Systems 📂Dynamics

Attractors in Dynamical Systems


Let’s assume that the vector field and maps are represented as follows for the space XX and function f,g:XXf,g : X \to X. x˙=f(x)xg(x) \dot{x} = f(x) \\ x \mapsto g(x)

ϕ(t,)\phi (t, \cdot) denotes the flow of vector field x˙=f(x)\dot{x} = f(x), and gng^{n} denotes the map obtained by taking map gg nn times.

Definition of Nonwandering1

A point x0Xx_{0} \in X is called a nonwandering point, and the set of such points is called the nonwandering set if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • (V): For all neighborhoods UU of x0x_{0} and for all T>0T > 0, there exists t>Tt > T satisfying: ϕ(t,U)U \phi (t,U) \cap U \ne \emptyset
  • (M): For all neighborhoods UU of x0x_{0} and for all T>0T > 0, there exists nNn \in \mathbb{N} satisfying: gn(U)U g^{n} (U) \cap U \ne \emptyset

Considering up to the past time, the above definitions change to t>T|t| > T and nZn \in \mathbb{Z}^{ \ast }, respectively.

Explanation of Nonwandering

The nonwandering set, as its name suggests, comprises points that eventually return, even if they leave. Fixed points and periodic orbits are trivial nonwandering sets as they don’t leave in the first place. The nonwandering set implies a weak condition, not specifically where to go but must return at some point.

Definition of Attracting2

A closed invariant set ARnA \subset \mathbb{R}^{n} is called an attracting set, and the open set UU at that time is called the trapping region if it has a neighborhood UU of AA satisfying the following conditions:

  • (V): For t0\forall t \ge 0, it holds that ϕ(t,U)U\phi (t , U) \subset U, and t>0ϕ(t,U)=A \bigcap_{t > 0} \phi (t, U) = A
  • (M): For n0\forall n \ge 0, it holds that gn(U)Ug^{n} (U) \subset U, and t>0gn(U)=A \bigcap_{t > 0} g^{n} (U) = A

Explanation of Attracting

The first thing to understand from the definition of attracting set is the difference from the nonwandering set, primarily the existence of a specific boundary, the trapping region UU, from which it cannot escape, and eventually, it must exactly become AA after an infinite amount of time has passed. This implies that while AA is confined within UU, it draws everything to itself, justifying the name attracting set.

Definition of Attractor3

A closed invariant set AA is called topologically transitive if for every open set V1,V2AV_{1},V_{2} \subset A, it satisfies the following:

  • (V): There exists ϕ(t,V1)V2\phi \left( t, V_{1} \right) \cap V_{2} \ne \emptyset such that tRt \in \mathbb{R}.
  • (M): There exists gn(V1)V2g^{n} \left( V_{1} \right) \cap V_{2} \ne \emptyset such that nZn \in \mathbb{Z}.

If the attracting set is topologically transitive, it is called an attractor.

Explanation of Attractor

The definition of topological transitivity, ’every’ open set V1,V2V_{1} , V_{2}, means that no matter how small the set is chosen, the flow or map given enough time, can precisely send V1V_{1} to V2V_{2}. However, if two points actually meet, it is just a simple periodic orbit, and the concept of an open set is used to express ‘passing through’. The addition of topological transitivity allows the attracting set to acquire various properties that were insufficient with just collecting trapping regions UU.

  1. Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition): p106. ↩︎

  2. Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition): p107. ↩︎

  3. Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition): p110. ↩︎