O is the set of all open sets, C is the set of all closed sets, and P and Q are probability measures defined in (S,B(S)).
[1]: For every open setO∈O⊂S, if P(O)=Q(O) then P=Q. In other words, O is a separating class.
[2]: For every closed set C∈C⊂S, if P(C)=Q(C) then P=Q. In other words, C is a separating class.
[3]: If for every f∈Cb(S), Pf=Qf implies P(A)=Q(A) for every A∈B(S), then P=Q.
If for every A∈B(S)P(A)=Q(A) then it is said to be P=Q.
Cb(S) denotes the set of bounded continuous functions defined on S.
Cb(S):={f:S→R∣f is bounded and continuous}
∫SfdP is simply denoted as Pf:=∫SfdP.
Additionally, for the argument, the following notations are introduced:
For an element x∈S and subsets A⊂S, and δ>0:
For some fixed F⊂S:
Although the formula looks complicated, it is not difficult at all when you see it as a diagram. ρ(x,A) just represents the shortest distance between the point x∈S and the set A⊂S.
Aδ is just an open set that has increased by δ from A.
The most challenging one is fδ(x), but as shown in the figure below, it’s a function whose value is only 1 at F and continuous values between 0 and 1 at places close by δ, and elsewhere, it is 0. You can guess why this function was created by looking at its shape. It has to be fδ∈Cb(S) because it is bounded and uniformly continuous. Also, it is a good thing that it converges to an easy-to-handle simple function as δ→0 when fδ(x)→1F.
Strategy[1], [2]: Given that O and C are sets that collect all open and closed sets respectively, showing that they are a pi-system is very easy. Then, using the following property to prove that it becomes a separating class is enough.
Conditions for becoming a separating class and Pi system: If C holds for σ(C)=B(S) and for every A∈C if P(A)=Q(A), then C is a separating class.
Since the intersection of open sets is an open set, if A,B∈O then A∩B∈O, meaning O is a pi-system. The Borel sigma fieldB(S) being the smallest sigma field that includes all open sets of the metric space (S,ρ), i.e., all elements of O, makes σ(O)=B(S). Hence, if for every open setO∈OP(O)=Q(O) is satisfied, then O becomes a separating class.
Since the intersection of closed sets is a closed set, if A,B∈C then A∩B∈C, meaning C is a pi-system. By the definition of closed sets and if C∈C then S∖C∈O, and according to the definition of sigma field, it must be that C∈B(S). That is σ(O)=σ(C)=B(S). Hence, if for every closed set C∈CP(C)=Q(C) is satisfied, then C becomes a separating class.
Let us define fε:S→R for closed sets F∈C and ε>0 as above. Then fε satisfies the following two conditions.
If for every f∈Cb(S)Pf=Qf is assumed, then ∫ΩfεdP=∫ΩfεdQ is also met.
Summarizing, P(F)≤Q(Fε) is obtained. Since F is a closed set, ε→0limFε=F, and if we apply ε→0lim to both sides of the recently derived formula, according to the continuity of measure,
we get P(F)≤Q(F), and in the same way, it can be shown that Q(F)≤P(F) holds. Hence, for the closed set F, if P(F)=Q(F) is met, according to [2], for every A∈B(S)P(A)=Q(A) holds.