Signed Measures
Let be a measurable space. A function which takes extended real values and satisfies the conditions below is called a signed measure.
- At most one of can have a function value of . In other words, if then , and if then .
- Let be a sequence of mutually exclusive sets in . Then it satisfies . When is finite, the sum on the right converges absolutely.
Simply put, it is a generalization of measure that allows for negative values. Therefore, if it is a measure, it is also a signed measure. When mentioning measure and signed measure together, to emphasize, a measure is sometimes called a positive measure. A specific example of a signed measure is the Riemann integral.
Meanwhile, since a measure always has to have a non-negative function value, it can be thought of as taking the absolute value of any function’s Riemann integral. Also, every signed measure can be represented as the difference between two measures.
Let be a signed measure defined on a measurable space .
Continuity from below:
Let be a monotone increasing sequence, which means . Then the following holds:
Continuity from above:
Let be a monotone decreasing sequence, which means . And let . Then the following holds:
Fundamentally, the proofs are the same as in measure1. The proof in the context of measures required countable additivity, and since signed measures also have countable additivity, the proof method is the same. Therefore, it is omitted.