
Approximation, Best Approximation 📂Banach Space

Approximation, Best Approximation


Let (X,d)(X, d) be a metric space. For a subset UXU \subset X, a mapping XUX \to U is called an approximation (method).

The best approximation for fXf \in X is defined as follows: u=arg minuUd(f,u) u^{\ast} = \argmin_{u \in U} d(f, u)


The term “approximation” refers to something close, thus “approximation to ff (an approximation of ff)” means something close to ff. Mathematically, the concepts of being far or close are defined through a distance function dd. Hence, the concepts of approximation and best approximation are defined on a metric space.

Related to this, possible mathematical inquiries include: (1) Does it exist? (existence) (2) If it exists, is it unique? (uniqueness) (3) How can it be found? (algorithm).